Art has always been displaced or “set-aside” and treated as a secluded industry vs economics, politics, environment, etc. But the truth is art enhances creative thinking in solving issues from the micro-level to the grandest scale of concern around the world.
For instance, learning the value of art in education and development can bring in two avenues in economic development: employment and consumption and the urban environment. Employment and consumption may be heightened due to visual arts as this could provide short and long-term jobs for people
in the recreational business, education sector, cultural arena, and tourism. In terms of economic output, art activities may also contribute to the influx of consumers locally and offshore that can stimulate retail and hospitality industries such as cafes, bars, restaurants, and hotels.
We may observe as well that in architecture when businesses innovate - it follows demand in real estate properties, thus increasing property values. Recall old Shanghai in mainland China - that once a fishing village and textile town, which now has evolved to a bustling city full of new opportunities for employment and economic growth. The major cities that have an immense investment in art and have equally prestigious architectures are Geneva, Moscow, and Tokyo. Our Asian counterparts like Hongkong and Singapore have bustling economies and command high rents for their inhabitants
- which all of it was brought by creativity and innovation. These faculties can be derived from skills that can be cultivated to exposure to the arts. Creative city strategies have to be learned because it benefits the environment as it influences planning. Currently, there have been a lot of talks in global meetings such as in Durban for creative ways to build and maintain cities to reduce carbon emission to save the environment.
Art's contribution to society can be impeccable as it promotes well-being and individuality. It builds a sense of unity and ground in a nation that in turn could be directed to economic progress. On the other hand, going mobile is key to reaching far-flung communities that need to be oriented to this cause. In that way, it reduces the digital divide among the urban and the rural communities. Inculcating art in education through a shared environment increases the chance that the above objectives be met and that development can be practically attained with sustainable and capacity-building initiatives to benefit the nation at large.
To learn and observe how you feel about art, how it affects you personally, and discover your inner creativity, visit chiquirodriguez.com