We all know by now that keeping an upbeat spirit is not enough to lead your game. It also takes persistence, focus, and a blueprint how we will achieve our goal.
All of us hate to fail. But little that we know that failure helps us grow - both personally and financially. Personally, it allows us to learn how to be responsible and accountable for our decisions. We learn to take ownership. However, if we stay positive and focused on what we want to achieve, failure teaches us to be smart on how to grow our net worth because it enables us to trim down unnecessary costs and activities. In this way, failure helps us think strategically how to improve the core operations that will bring us to better results.
1. Control your spending. Spending is good if your plan is to make money, e.g. office equipment, servers, delivery trucks, laptop, etc. Unnecessary costs are the ones that you should watch out for – do you really need to get take-out coffee at Starbucks? I don’t think so. This is a very simple example that most of us are guilty about. Gourmet coffee is fine, don’t get me wrong as I get one myself, but try not to run to the nearest coffee shop at your whim especially if you have financial targets for yourself to meet. When you learn about your costs, it makes you save more money that will contribute to building the business or career instead. Well, this applies to using your credit cards too.
2. Take action. Planning and drafting multiple strategies are great – you just have to take action so that it will create results for you.
3. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failing is something that you have to get used to especially if you run a business. By failing, it aligns you to the right perspective whether your plan is realistic or not. It helps you stay focused by crafting a new method on how your plan will be carried out. This enable you to review your game plan once in a while to make sure you are on track.
4. Have fun. You may think that this tip may seem odd to you but having fun while working really helps because it fights boredom. Additionally, by creating a fun atmosphere you encourage positive energy to people you work with – whether online or offline.
5. Maximize social media and blogs. Signing up on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are powerful tools that can complement your traditional media campaigns (TV, Print, and Radio). Also, social media and blogs are great avenues to build your campaign and brand presence especially if you are just starting up.
In a quote from cosmetics magnate, Estee Lauder, “I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” These steps must appear to be easier said than done. But with a dash of persistence and focus, minding a positive outlook every time we deal with life’s challenges at work will eventually translate to a healthier and happier version of ourselves.